
  • From c++ by google c++ author will convert to exe

  • go get githublink→ to download pkg and put under folder pkg

  • it has main function to run go run filename.go

    package main //-> our package name 
    imort "fmt"
    import ("fmt","math") //-> to import multiple pkg
    func main(){

Data types

  • string, bool, int, byte , float32 ,float64, arrays

  • using var keyword and const → to not reassign

  • var name string = “d” (if directly assing vaule we don’t need to mention the data type)

  • var age = 23

  • name := “test” → this kind of declaration we can be only defined inside function

  • name,email := “test”,”email”

  • Arrays

    var name [2] string 
    name[0] = "1"
    name := [2]string("1","2") //size optional
    name := [2]string{"1","2"}
    len(name) //-> to get length
    name[1:2] //-> slice the array
  • Struct

    type Animal struct {
    class string
    age int
    var teddy = Animal{ class:"bear",age:14}
  • Map

     emails :=  make(map[string]string)
     := map[stringstring{"key":"value"}
    emails["name"]= "key"


function name (params type) returnType {
//type is not mandatory
#multiple return vaule
function name (params type) (int,bool..) {
	return 4,true,..
 number ,bool := name()
we can also give name for the return type of function like 
function name () (number int , ..) -> it is purely for doc
#Error Handling
  • Arguments are passed as copy use pointer for call by reference


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Declare a variable
    var num int = 10
    // Declare a pointer variable
    var ptr *int
    // Assign the address of num to ptr
    ptr = &num
    // Access the value through the pointer
    fmt.Println("Value of num:", num)
    fmt.Println("Value of num through pointer:", *ptr)
    // Modify the value through the pointer
    *ptr = 20
    fmt.Println("New value of num:", num)


if x<y || cond2  {
}  else if {
} else {
color := "red"
switch color {
	case "red":
  case "":


i :=1
for i<=10 {
for i:=1 i<10;i++ {
//using range
ids := []int{33,33}
for i,id := range ids {
//range with map
for k,v := range map { }


Go’s runes are used to represent single characters. ‘A’ 65 Runes are kept as numeric codes

If you declare a variable without assigning it a value, that variable will contain the zero value

short variable declaration

instead of explicitly declaring the type of the variable and later assigning to it with = , you do both at once using := .

quantity := 4

If the name of a variable, function, or type begins with a capital letter, it is considered exported and can be accessed from packages outside the current one.


Only same type can be do math operation float and int cannot to convert

  • int(3.0)
  • float64(9)


Go tools look for package code in a special directory (folder) on your computer called the workspace. By default, the workspace is a directory named go in the current user’s home directory.

The workspace directory contains three subdirectories

  • bin, which holds compiled binary executable programs.
  • pkg, which holds compiled binary package files.
  • src, which holds Go source code.


Split your application into components written as regular Go interfaces. Don’t fuss with any networking or serialization code. Focus on your business logic. (

  1. Go routine make threads simple
  2. channel